Journal Publications
Recent developments in lanthanide-doped mid-infrared fluoride fiber lasers [Invited]
Optics Express, Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 8615-8640 (2022)
Frédéric Jobin, Pascal Paradis, Yiğit Ozan Aydin, Tommy Boilard, Vincent Fortin, Jean-Christophe Gauthier, Maxime Lemieux-Tanguay, Sébastien Magnan-Saucier, Louis-Charles Michaud, Sara Mondor, Louis-Philippe Pleau, Lauris Talbot, Martin Bernier, Réal Vallée
20 W splice-free erbium-doped all-fiber laser operating at 1610 nm
Optics Express, Vol. 26, Issue 17, pp. 22378-22388 (2018)
Louis-Philippe Pleau, Pascal Paradis, Jean-Simon Freniére, Mathieu Huneault, Samuel Gouin, Salah Mohammed Aljamimi, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Simon Duval, Jean-Christophe Gauthier, Joé Habel, Frédéric Jobin, Frédéric Maes, Louis-Rafaël Robichaud, Nicolas Grégoire, Steeve Morency, and Martin Bernier
Book chapters
High-power continuous wave mid-infrared fluoride glass fiber lasers
Mid-Infrared Photonics, Woodhead Publishing, 505-595, (2022)
Martin Bernier, Vincent Fortin, Ori Henderson-Sapir, Stuart Jackson, Frédéric Jobin, Jianfeng Li, Hongyu Luo, Frédéric Maes, Matthew R Majewski, David J Ottaway, Réal Vallée, Yigit Ozan Aydin

Post-processing soft glass optical fibers
Mid-Infrared Photonics, Woodhead Publishing, 233,-302, (2022)
Vincent Fortin, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Martin Bernier, Réal Vallée, Martin Rochette, François Chenard, Oseas Alvarez, Lynda E Busse, L Brandon Shaw, Rafael R Gattass, Jasbinder S Sanghera

Conference proceedings
Development of High-Brightness Mid-IR Fiber Sources
Advanced Solid State Lasers, Optical Societyof America, paper AW5A.4, Washington, D.C. United States (2020)
Vincent Fortin, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Frédéric Jobin, Pascal Paradis, Frédéric Maes, Tommy Boilard, Louis-Philippe Pleau, Martin Bernier, Réal Vallée
Suppressing fiber tip failure: On the road to 100 W-level 3-μm fiber lasers
SPIE Ph. West LASE, Proc. SPIE 11260, Fiber Lasers XVII: Technology and Systems, 112601O, San Francisco, California, USA (2020)
Frédéric Maes, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Thomas Poulin, Souleymane Toubou Bah, Vincent Fortin, Réal Vallée, Martin Bernier
New Perspectives for Mid-infrared Fiber Lasers
Advanced Photonics (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), paper BW3A.1, Zurich Switzerland (2018)
Réal Vallée, Martin Bernier, Vincent Fortin, Frédéric Maes, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Simon Duval, Pascal Paradis, Frédéric Jobin, J. Gauthier, Louis-Rafaël Robichaud
Splice-less Erbium All-fiber Laser Using FBGs Written Through the Coating
Advanced Photonics (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, SOF), paper BW4A.4, Zurich Switzerland (2018)
L.-P. Pleau, P. Paradis, J.-S. Frenière, M. Huneault, S. Gouin, S. M. Aljamimi, Y. O. Aydin, S. Duval, J.-C. Gauthier, J. Habel, F. Jobin, F. Maes, L.-R. Robichaud, N. Grégoire, S. Morency, and M. Bernier
Repetition rate tuning of an ultrafast ytterbium doped fiber laser for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), pp. 1-2 Mainz, Germany (2013)
Hakan Keskin, Hasim Altan, S Yavas, FO Ilday, M Emre Yagci, Yigit Ozan Aydin, Koray Eken, Behzat Sahin
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