@article{Aydin:18, author = {Yigit Ozan Ayd{i}n and Vincent Fortin and Darren Kraemer and Alex Fraser and R\'{e}al Vall\'{e}e and Martin Bernier}, journal = {Opt. Lett.}, keywords = {Infrared and far-infrared lasers; Laser amplifiers; Lasers, diode-pumped; Lasers, fiber; Diode lasers; Fiber lasers; Fiber optic amplifiers; Fluoride fibers; Laser sources; Picosecond pulses}, number = {12}, pages = {2748--2751}, publisher = {OSA}, title = {High-energy picosecond pulses from a 2850\&\#x00A0;nm fiber amplifier}, volume = {43}, month = {Jun}, year = {2018}, url = {http://ol.osa.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-43-12-2748}, doi = {10.1364/OL.43.002748}, abstract = {We report the demonstration of a 2850\&\#x00A0;nm diode-pumped Ho3$+$, Pr3$+$ co-doped fluoride fiber amplifier that delivers pulses with an average power of 2.45\&\#x00A0;W, 122\&\#x00A0;\&\#x03BC;J energy, and 500\&\#x00A0;ps duration at a repetition rate of 20\&\#x00A0;kHz. To the best of our knowledge, the average power and pulse energy are the highest to be obtained from a sub-nanosecond fiber source operating in the 3\&\#x00A0;\&\#x03BC;m spectral region. The amplifier is seeded by an optical parametric generation source and is pumped around 915\&\#x00A0;nm using widely available InGaAs laser diodes.}, }